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I'm a full-stack web developer with My preferred stack is a Vue.js front-end paired with a Ruby on Rails API and Go Services as needed.
Ruby on Rails
React Native
2019 | Contract | Link→
Created a Vue.js + Golang name generator and domain + social media availability checker. Based on the markov chain model phonomer generates unique (mostly) pronounceable names by parsing and then scrambling phonemes an input word set.
2018-2019 | Contract | Link→
Developed a Vue.js + Rails 5 API + Golang chatbot and clip creation service allowing my client to automatically monitor livestreams and programmatically create clips based on user defined triggers.
2018-2019 | Contract | Link→
Built a Vue.js + Rails 5 API Cross browser drag & drop form builder, access control system, and submission analytics platform.
2018 | Open Source
Created a Vue.js + Rails private media server featuring user accounts, tagging, search, sub-grouping, and media streaming.
2018 | Contract | Link→
Made an Android/IOS duck identification app to help duck hunters identify waterfowl on their hunt. Features include gamification, quizzes, swipe/reveal animations, cashing, and in app ads.
2017 | Contract | Link→
Developed a cryptocurrency wallet mobile app for Pura Coin allowing end-users send, receive, and monitor their Pura Coin balance.
2017 | Contract | Link→
Designed and Developed an anonymous community driven news aggrigator and discussion platform featuring link image extraction, voting, and hierarchical administration functionality.
2016-2017 | Full-Time | Link→
Implemented core functionality including Billing, team/role management, oauth login, gitlab support, jekyll menus integration.
Worked with users via intercom to fix many semantic, scope, and business logic issues affecting day to day operation.
Built distributed worker and queue coordinator libraries based on redlock algorithm. (golang, lua, redis)
Realtor Tools
2015 | Contract
Built real estate web scraping application allowing end-users to inquire about a property for sale and see interactive line graphs with data about nearby properties recently sold as a function of price, square footage, distance, crime rate, and differentiators (pool, granite countertops, solar panels, fireplace...)
Implemented dynamic D3.js graphs, scraping (zillow, redfin, trulia...), haversine formula, service workers, and asynchronous pub sub.
2015 | Contract | Link→
Built my client a jekyll based configurable one page website theme featuring event calendar and easy headless CMS integration.
2014-2015 | Full-Time | Link→
Made scripts to automate import/sync of inventory between numerous e-commerce platforms including Magento, Drupal, and Shopify.
Implemented shopping carts, caching, automatic search suggestions, file management, aws synchronization, and media characteristic extraction.
Worked on internal dashboard application displaying available employees, hours logged, clients awaiting help, and local weather.
2014 | Full-Time | Link→
Refactored static features to continuously update via ajax & pusher giving users a live feed of changes without having to refresh.
Improved styling and JS for better cross browser/device support, as well as added unit testing to improve reliability of backend tooling.